Inspiration, Kreation, Verkostung

Delasias Idee ist es, in asiatische kulinarische Traditionen einzutauchen,
sich von ihren tausend Aromen und Farben zu inspirieren und Ihnen das Beste anzubieten.
Gerichten mit ausgewogenen Nährstoffen versehen, fein gewürzt und perfekt dosiert.

Sie werden nur das Lob ernten.



Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/delasiacxn/www/plugins/customs/_das_countries.php on line 12

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/delasiacxn/www/plugins/customs/_das_countries.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/delasiacxn/www/plugins/customs/_das_countries.php on line 16

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/delasiacxn/www/plugins/customs/_das_countries.php on line 16

Warning: opendir(design/backgrounds//responsive): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in /home/delasiacxn/www/_eCore/eFile.php on line 260

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: readdir(): Argument #1 ($dir_handle) must be of type resource or null, bool given in /home/delasiacxn/www/_eCore/eFile.php:261 Stack trace: #0 /home/delasiacxn/www/_eCore/eFile.php(261): readdir(false) #1 /home/delasiacxn/www/plugins/customs/_das_countries.php(31): eFile::explore_folder('design/backgrou...', 'file') #2 /home/delasiacxn/www/_eCore/addons/eCMS.php(370): include('/home/delasiacx...') #3 /home/delasiacxn/www/index.php(284): eCMS::print_indented_html_including_modules('', 'content') #4 {main} thrown in /home/delasiacxn/www/_eCore/eFile.php on line 261